Friday, April 22, 2011

The Rickmen

The Rickmen
To be honest, I'm not really sure how this Alan Rickman tribute came about. I had drawn Snape a couple of times before because he's such a fun character to illustrate. I then had the idea to draw four or so Rickman characters together. And that evolved into a BUNCH of them. And then I figured I could just call it a "tribute" and title it
"The Rickmen."

As you can see, I tend to get carried away when drawing random things. I was considering coloring it, so if I get enough requests via FB / Twitter / blog comments, I may end up doing that!


  1. Hey! Congratulations!
    You are really, really talented.
    Would be nice if you color it, but I think it's equally awesome just as it is right now.

  2. This came out really great, I enjoyed getting to see the progress on it. You should see if there are any Rickmen fan pages on Facebook and what not and put this baby up there!

  3. Love it! Good to see all the best Rickmen made the tribute.
