Yesterday afternoon, one of the
Drawed Goods crew challenged me to do a
Blade Runner illustration. So I did three. Of Leon Kowalksi.
When I asked myself "Which character from Blade Runner should I draw?" this guy immediately sprung up to the top of the list. I always thought of him as the quintessential "galoot." Look at that face!
Anyway, pne of the drawings is up on Drawed Goods, and features Leon (pictured above) in like at fast food chain McDeckard's. The second was drawn on the back of a receipt and left in a local pizzeria. I have a pic of it. And the third is, of course, posted above. Leon was never a replicant of many words.
OH, so tonight I finally finished watching Battlestar Gallactica. I loved everything (well, except the last five minutes) so much. SO SO MUCH. And I just found out that Edward James Olmos was the origami guy in Blade Runner! COINCIDENCE?