Friday, August 6, 2010

Name that Toon

Sweet Adelines Program

One of my coworkers is in a chorus called "Sweet Adelines", who put on a performance every now and then. This year they are having a Broadway show-tunes theme, and I was asked to illustrate a cover for their program. A small, fun piece with a lot of creative freedom. This is the kind of freelance stuff that an illustrator just lovessssss.

Actually I'm sure freelance illustrators love all work. Since I usually just do things like this for fun, it's nice to actually get paid to draw silly things!


  1. Just noticed the sweeeet title pun! <3

  2. you know, i think this is my fave of yours.
    seriously this is amazingly superb!!!!
    congrats, Burt! :D

  3. Eeeee, thanks everyone.

    SaSh, punz are essential!

    Mita, thankssomuch! Hope you've been super well!

  4. yesiree, mr durand. that illustration is, indeed, sweet! now, i've heard some whispers of a new booksketch. eeeeee! *no pressure*
