Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bigheads are Better Than None, Pt. 2

Continuing the creation of an animated legend, I bought some spray gesso and went to town on Ed Bighead.

Here's some gesso action for you:

Now, at this point Ed was being extra grumpy, so I made him some spaghetti and meatballs:

You can tell that he wasn't pleased. I had even diced up onions and bellpeppers to put in the meat. With my own special mix of spices. AND sauteed mushrooms!

Well, determined to take Ed's crankiness down a notch, I whipped out some carrot soufflé!

Sheesh! What does it take to appease this guy? Well, I obviously wasn't doing the trick with my cooking, despite my best efforts. Then I realized that he probably just wanted to be painted.

So, I began the painting! Phase 1: Green In The Face

Phase 2: Sinking Ships

At the moment he's drying. But I need to apply the pipe cleaners and purchase some more google-eyes! Updates to come.


  1. freakin' awesomeness, greatly anticipating his full reveal

  2. I think this is amazing!
    Ed Bighead = all-time best Nick character.

  3. damn, this brings me back. i love that character.

  4. THIS IS AMAZING! Im just wondering, what did you use to make the head? a paper bag?
