Last week, my friend Zach asked me if I would like to design a poster/flyer for an upcoming comedy show featuring himself and another one of my friends, Tim. I said yes, of course, and was then elated to hear the name of the show:
"Dirty Jokes with Tim Landry and Zach Broussard"
Within two minutes I had the concept and rough illustration in my head. I'll let you play with the image/wordplay. I decided that I wanted to make this a one-color screenprint, so I went ahead and ordered some screenprinting supplies. Finally taking that plunge.
So what you see above is basically a comp of what the final printed poster will look like. The ink will be black-brown on top of a gray-tan-green paper stock (I'm doing everything possible to give it a "dirty" feel). The posters will be about 10x19 inches. They actually won't have the distressed edges; that's just for the web promotion.
Quite a fun project, wouldn't you say? If you'll be around Lafayette on December 26, come check out the show. They are funny dudes!