Sunday, February 27, 2011

Locally Produced

EarthShare Gardens Poster
Here's a pro-bono poster design that I just wrapped up. Photoshop decided that it would flatten all of my layers and then save and quit. Luckily, the design was OK'd before that happened. Phew. I will have to create a direct mail invite out of it, so I'll have to go in and fight with the flattened artwork, but I guess it won't be SUPER BRUTAL.

Anyway, I really like how it came out. EarthShare Gardens is a local community garden that is hosting an upcoming fundraiser, which the poster and soon-to-be invitations will promote. Glad to help out!


  1. Dearest, im always afraid of using bright colors (for my silly drawings), but i found this ingenious eye-catching! i always wonder why a poster is usually better than a talk, i think have the answer now, i mean, look at this post!!!!

    you see, you are awesome!

  2. oh about that flatten thing, i think i'll be dead if i have the same situation, ahaha :D
