Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Illustration Friday - Impossibility

And they said it couldn't be done, ladies and gentlemen! But Irvine "Wheel N' Deal" Walsh is currently doing it. Oh, he's doing it, alright! Ladies and gentlemen, remove your shoes and prepare to place a foot (or two) in your mouths. But first, please finish that tasty Jumbodog. Wouldn't want to get chili in your toenails, would you?

Wheel N' Deal Walsh has been told it would be impossible to launch his unicycle over seven busses. W&DW (not the shortest way to say his name, I know) has taken this as a personal challenge, despite the previous world record unicycle jump being zero busses.

"I aint sayin imma god or nuthin but if you set them busses up, they will get theirselves jumped. An I'll jump all them nay-sayers right on afterwards. They just askin ta be jumped. Thats the deal an here's the wheel," Walsh said in an interview moments before burning mono-rubber towards the launch ramp.

And now the moment has come, ladies and gentlemen. Wheel N' Deal is off! He's pedaling furiously; gathering speed. LOOK AT THOSE LEGS GO. I've never SEEN acceleration like this come from one man, one wheel before. Golly! One wheel, two legs, folks. There's got to be power somehow in that equation. Double the leg-power, right?

HE'S IN THE AIR! LIFTOFF! Look at him go! He knows he has it! He is giving the audience a show now! He -- this just in: It seems that Ol' Alfonse the farmer has misplaced his prized alligator, Clovis. If anyone has seen an overly large gater roaming about, please report him to the Security Station immediately...


  1. haha, another winner!
    Love the additional challenge of the crocodile.
    Great work!

  2. oooh, i like this one! great graphical quality... thanks for stopping by Dabbled as well... always nice to meet a new friend!


  3. This is really cool. I love the double challenge here and the way it all seems to add to the impossibility of the stunt.

  4. Fantastic! Great idea as well perfect drawing!

  5. hehe, fantastic! i did not see this one coming.

  6. oh no! I got chili on my toenails!
    and laughed til I cried!

    great one B!


  7. Great illustration. Funny and very relevant to the theme. Nice!!!

  8. Haha! Great idea :) I love how you always seem to have a unique take on every theme.

    Am afraid that gator might choke on the motorcycle though :P

  9. Haha, I love all these great comments. Thanks Holly, Dot, Leni, Cata, 'sti, book, D, Jack Fost', and Atsi-Batsi (gotta love that name).

    And I have the feeling that wasn't his FIRST motorcycle meal. Look at the anticipation! :D

  10. This is one so great!!!

    Fly little guy, fly!


  11. Christopher Ryan WaguespackApril 22, 2009 at 4:11 PM

    Hotrod? :D

  12. HAHA. It does have a very HotRoddish feel to it.

    Thanks for commenting, everyone!

  13. this one should probably win. I would laugh out loud right now, but I'm the only one awake in my house.

  14. excellent - very funny and great drawing.

  15. Wow, awesome drawing!
    Very original, I really like it!
