Saturday, February 21, 2009

Illustration Friday - Instinct

After seeing this Illustration Friday topic posted, this image immediately popped into my head. So I drew it. Yay for commentary on the animalistic qualities of the business world.

And having done so, it just seems awfully familiar. For example, it seems straight out of Gary Larson's The Far Side, right?

Anyway, I just tried doing a search of it online but didn't have any luck finding any sort of match. I apologize if it's been drawn before though. Let me know if I'm right in my suspicions!


  1. lmao!!!!! this is so good on so many different levels hahahahahahahhaahahaa

  2. You've said it better than I ever could! Great illustration!

  3. Love....this! Your line work is incredible and I love the expression and movement in this piece ; )

  4. Very nice use of line, so graphic. v distinctive.

  5. Great work! I think it has that Far Side vibe mainly because of the guys glasses... don't sweat it. If you didn't consciously copy you were just on Larson's wavelength (now is that good or bad...?! :)

  6. crack. me. up. i think you're safe. i'm a big far side fan and this doesn't seem familiar to me. i think the comment above about the glasses may be right. i'm really likig your interpretations of the topics.

  7. great idea. I know the feeling about Gary Larson, it happens to me too quite often!
    I have a big collection of the far side, I don't remember this one though ;-)
